Part 1: What you speak, you begin to bring into existence.

The Power of Words in Manifesting:

When we speak words out loud or write them down, we take that which is inside of us and breathe it into the physical world around us. In this way, speaking or writing words is akin to planting seeds in this reality.

This power of words to create in physical reality is why complaining is so unwise: when you speak of what you don’t want, you plant seeds that will grow into more of it. This is also one reason why using affirmations is wise, and why praying out loud is powerful.

Once you realize how powerful words can be, you stop saying things like:

“You’re killing me!” and “I’m dying to know,” and “You make me sick.” 

The more you understand the manifesting power of words, the more you get very careful about what you choose to say and how you choose to say it. We are also constantly communicating and affirming what we believe to be true to our subconscious minds, and then our subconscious minds go about making those things true in our reality, so we are very wise to choose what we say out loud very carefully.

Of course, language is designed to help us communicate with others, and thus prayer is the perfect way to communicate with and summon help from the Divine. Humans seem to instinctively know that when we are in need, we can send out a request for help from Unseen Forces. This help can come to us in the form of guidance, ideas, solutions, opportunities, sudden breakthroughs and blessings and even outright miracles. 

Scientific Research on the Power of Prayer:

There is also a lot of fascinating scientific research into the power of prayer to affect physical reality. The work of Masuru Emoto comes to mind, as does the work of Lynne McTaggart and the work of Bruce Tainio.

Tainio developed equipment that was able to measure the biofrequency of humans and food and to observe the effects of frequency upon the human body. His research showed that the average daytime frequency of the human body is 62-68 MHz, and that sickness and disease began when the body resonated at 58 MHz and below. He also discovered that negative thoughts lowered the measured frequency by 12 MHz, that positive thoughts raised the measured frequency by 10 MHz and that prayer and meditation increased the frequency levels by 15 MHz.

Prayer has PROVEN to be POWERFUL.

Part 2: We All Know How to Pray

None of us need to be taught “how to pray,” for there is nothing more natural than our innate ability to connect and communicate with our Divine Source, and there is nothing more personal or sacred than each individual’s relationship with the Divine. Whatever works for you or feels right to you is what is best for you. I will, however, share how I pray with you as potential inspiration to deepen or expand your own practice.

My personal view of prayer is free and apart from any particular religion, dogma or tradition. In my view, when we pray, we more directly, fully and consciously connect with our own higher self, which is ever connected to the Divine, and it is through this strong, clear connection that we are able to receive extraordinary guidance and support for our desires. 

In terms of manifesting, in addition to summoning Divine help, conscious, intentional prayer is also a wonderful way to get all levels of our being united and in harmony with the fulfillment of our heart’s desires. Through prayer, we can align our subconscious mind, our conscious mind, and our higher self with beliefs that support our power to work divine magic in our lives, and we can align on all levels with the frequency of the fulfillment of our desires. This vibrational alignment of our heart, mind, and spirit is a recipe for magic and miracles.

Prayer is a powerful tool for vibrationally aligning with the fulfillment of your desires.

Prayer is Not Begging for Help

I do NOT view prayer as begging the divine for help. Many people only pray when they feel helpless, powerless, and desperate. This is not an effective way to pray. When someone prays in this way, they focus on what they want, but they are full of negative emotion: fear, helplessness, desperation. Their thoughts and feelings are not in harmony, and thus they remain stuck in that state.

Prayer is most powerful when used as a tool for aligning vibrationally with the peace and fulfillment you desire, and as a ritual for inviting Divine help and intervention into your life. To hear God, we must be tuned into God. To receive divine help, we must be tuned into the channel of divine help. 

Positive prayer practice helps us to:


Part 3: The More You Pray, The Better Things Get

I’ve been studying the teachings of Tom Campbell, who wrote My Big TOE (Theory of Everything). Tom is a former NASA physicist. He also worked for many years with Robert Monroe, OOBE author and founder of the Monroe Institute. Together, Campbell and Monroe did all sorts of research into the nature of consciousness and reality; they mastered the ability to travel out of the body; they connected with all sorts of amazing beings from beyond this world; and they tapped into all sorts of wisdom that is not available to those who are focused exclusively on this physical reality. 

Tom said something in an interview that really grabbed my attention. He basically said:

The more you are seeking truth, guidance, help, and miracles, the more you SUMMON those very things from spiritual beings beyond this physical world. 

He then explained that because this is a subtle, intuitive experience, people who are caught up in this physical world, who are NOT seeking higher understanding, help and guidance would entirely MISS any help and guidance that was sent to them. For spiritual helpers to focus their efforts on someone who is oblivious to the subtle energies of the Divine would be a total waste of time. 

This grabbed my attention because it explained and resonated with my own personal experience, which is: 


(Think about how exciting that is!)

Praying Ceaselessly

If  we accept the idea that prayer is a powerful way to align with what we desire, and that the more we pray, the more help and guidance we summon from The Great Beyond, it makes sense that THE MORE WE PRAY, the better things get.

There’s a quote from the Bible that offers us this great wisdom:

“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-17).

I interpret this to mean that when we maintain a high and happy vibration, when we stay consciously connected to the divine, and when we focus on all the good in our lives, we remain centered in our own God-given, Divine power to create GOODNESS for ourselves and others. 

How to Pray Ceaselessly

Given how busy we all are and how much we need to get done every day, how can we develop the habit of praying ceaselessly? 

Instead of endlessly planning and problem-solving, which most of us spend countless hours doing each day, begin to dialogue with the Divine instead. Ask for big help and little help, and stay awake and aware of the Divine magic that surrounds, unfolds, and creates your reality. Make a habit of taking a little time each day to quiet your mind so you can hear the whispers of your intuition, which is the voice of God speaking within you. Pray for specific signs, answers, messages, and outcomes, and watch for the magic to unfold. When it does arrive, ACKNOWLEDGE it as Divine in nature, and give thanks for it. When the Universe does answer you, acknowledge that magic, and then reach back again. This becomes like a never ending, subtle, intuitive, metaphysical text message thread. We ask, we receive, and we say thank you – over and over and over. In this way, we consciously cultivate an alive, vibrant, powerful, personal ongoing RELATIONSHIP with the Divine. 

How do YOU pray? The more personal your prayer practice, the better, because your communication with the Divine is coming from your own heart, you’re hearing the Divine through your own heart, and those communications are vibrant and alive with the TRUTH that one can only know by how it feels in one’s own heart! You don’t need me or anyone else to tell you “the right or best” way to pray! The most important thing is that your prayer feels right and true to you. Whatever word you have for the Divine that feels best to you is the best way to address YOUR prayer. That may mean you pray to God, or Jesus, or the Angels, or Mother Mary, or the Universe. 

Whenever you don’t know what to do, stop and pray. Lots of people feel like they shouldn’t bother God with prayers unless it’s something “really important.” Many seem to view God like some super busy CEO with a jam packed schedule. Of course, God is limitless and Divine help is as ever abundant and available to us as the oxygen we breathe. If we choose to take deep, nourishing breaths, we put no extra strain on the system, and we take nothing away from anyone else. You can say a prayer about and for any and everything. 

It takes a few seconds to weave short, simple prayers into your day.

 – A quick prayer for when you’re worried:
“God, please help me to let go and trust that all is well.”


 – A quick prayer for when you’re not sure what to do:

“Universe, please show me the way!’


 – A quick prayer for when you’re upset by someone’s words or actions:

“God, please help me to choose Love; please show me what love would do and help me to do it now.”


 – A quick prayer for when you find yourself trying to control or force things:

“Please help me to let go with trust that letting go will produce the highest and best outcome for all.”


A quick prayer for when good things happen or you experience positive emotion:

“God, thank you, thank you, thank you for this wonderful, beautiful life!”


Always be talking and walking with the Divine!

Part 4: Some Written Prayers for Inspiration

While I encourage you to say whatever words come from your own heart when praying, if you find yourself reverting to begging for help from the Divine because you are caught up in fear or feeling powerless, it can be really helpful to have a positive, empowered prayer to guide you.  For those who don’t know where to start with a prayer practice, I’ve written a very short, all purpose prayer for whenever you need it:

A Short, Simple Prayer:


Divine Spirit, please help and guide me to the fulfillment of my heart’s desire, which is ____________________________________.  With faith in my divine creative imagination, I experience the fulfillment of this desire in vivid detail NOW. I can feel how it feels already, and it feels wonderful. I now relax and trust in a perfect outcome in a perfect time and way. Thank you, thank you, thank you!


Deep Prayer/Communion with the Divine:


I have also written and recorded a Deep Prayer that is designed to:

Should you desire to say the words of this prayer out loud, you can find the words of the prayer below. Praying out loud in your own voice and at your own pace is powerful.

You can also listen to this via the recording below. As you pray, please allow yourself to fully experience the beautiful energy of the Divine moving through you. 

A Deep Prayer:


Dear Divine Source of Infinite Love and Wisdom,

In this sacred moment, I invite Your presence to fill my whole being with divine love, peace, trust and understanding. I release any resistance and open myself fully to Your guidance and wisdom.

I reach out to You now with a heart filled with gratitude for the boundless blessings and miracles that grace my life. I acknowledge Your presence within me and all around me; I know You are always with me, and that I am an expression of Your divine love and power.

Please help me to choose love in every moment. Please help me to find peace with all beings and with all experiences past, present and future. Please bless me daily with wondrous experiences of Your limitless power that are so undeniably real and true that any and all doubts within me are erased forevermore, and my faith is made deep and unshakeable. Please help me to know without a doubt that divine help and guidance are always available to me, that I am safe and deeply loved, and that I have the power to work miracles in my life and in the lives of others.

I now affirm my faith in the miraculous power that resides within me; I know that I am a co-creator of my reality.  I consciously cultivate a mindset that believes in the miraculous unfolding of life. I know that miracles are not exceptions but the natural outcome of my faith. With unwavering trust, I declare that I possess the ability to work miracles through the alignment of my heart, mind, and words with Your divine will, which is made clear to me through the wisdom and guidance of my own heart.

I now release all fear and worry and everything else that could hinder my connection to You, the Divine. I choose love over fear; I choose kindness and compassion over judgment; I choose forgiveness over resentment. I recognize that I am a divine channel for the greater good. I use my power and influence to bring positivity, healing, and love into the world. I know that when I act in harmony with divine love, I walk a smooth and beautiful path to the fulfillment of my highest intentions.

I give thanks for the countless blessings in my life. I now allow the energy of my gratitude for all my blessings to rise up within me, to flow through my heart and shine bright all around me. I now give thanks for the love that surrounds me, the health that sustains me, the abundance that enriches me, and the opportunities that endlessly expand my world. I am grateful for the challenges that have strengthened me and the lessons that have led me to new wisdom and understanding.

As I align my heart’s desires with Your divine plan, I ask for the wisdom and courage to discern my true purpose and the strength to pursue that highest path with unwavering faith. I surrender my worries and fears to You with faith that You will guide me in the right direction every step of the way.

I affirm that You are guiding me through my own heart and my own desires, and thus my heart’s desires are in natural, perfect alignment with Your divine will. I trust in your divine timing and surrender the details of the outcome to Your infinite wisdom with faith that all is well and I have only to follow my heart to find true peace, love, happiness and fulfillment.

May my thoughts, words, and actions be infused with love, faith, and positivity, and may I radiate Your divine light to all I encounter. Please guide me in uplifting their spirits and contributing to a world filled with harmony and love.

In the name of divine love, faith, and gratitude, I offer this prayer. 



May you know without a doubt that Divine help is always available to you, and may you become a master at tapping that infinite well of wisdom and boundless blessings!