These recaps are in the order they were presented, so the most recent recap is always at the bottom of the list. Happy Manifesting!


Suggested Books/Videos

The Five Foundations

How to Raise Your Vibe

Building Strong Intuition

Goal Setting Process

Basic Manifesting Process: Resonate with Your Desire

Making Peace with Your Inner Shadows

Ally Your Ideal Self

Freedom Through the Power of Forgiveness

Developing a More Powerful Gratitude Practice

Fear and the Law of Attraction

Segment Intending

Magic Spells and Divination

Donning the Costume of your Ideal Self

Opening to Receive

Fake It to Make It: Scripting, Journaling and More

Manifesting with the Power of Love

Higher Self Invocation

Higher Self HEALING Invocation

Money Magic!

Level Up Your Beliefs Process

Write Yourself a Check from the Bank of the Ever Abundant Universe

Relax, Let Go and Trust

Bending Time, Shifting Timelines

Theta Meditation

The Gossip Method

Overcoming Blocks to Manifesting

The Ultimate Remedy/Solution

Tapping Divine Guidance/Quick Shift to Alpha

Nightly Ritual

Simple List Process

The Power of Prayer