Recently, I heard someone mention the idea of asking for the answer to a question in a dream, and decided to give it a try. Me being me, I didn’t ask just any question, I wanted to ask a really BIG, DEEP question. I’m of course always pondering how manifesting works, and in particular, lately I have been wondering if we create our realities as we move forward, or if perhaps all potentialities already exist and we shift timelines based on our energy and attention/intention. Before falling asleep, I said, “I want to have a dream that shows me how manifesting really works!”

Early in the night, around midnight, I had the following dream:

Dream: How Manifesting Works

In the dream, everything was white. I could barely make out vague shapes, like the outline of crystalline objects, but there were no visible people or objects. I felt that I was the owner/CEO of this immense, limitless company. In the dream, I sensed that something was going to happen in a certain way, and that was not the way I wanted things to go. I pulled up this energetic tablet like a kindle made out of ether, and I instantly, telepathically and very specifically outlined in several paragraphs that THIS was how things need to go. I was very calm, clear and commanding. I was not aware what those details may be, but I know that I put them down very clearly.

It felt like I had a limitless number of energetic “employees” available to me, and as soon as I defined what needed to happen, the two “perfect employees” to make this vision happen immediately assigned themselves to the job. (They did not feel like people but like energetic entities.) As soon as that happened, I knew instantly that everything would work out perfectly. 

In the dream, there was this brief timeless pause which felt like the period between intention and manifestation, and then I just knew that all had been done as I had defined it should be, and everything was perfect. I felt a sense of gratitude for my knowing that all was perfect always and always would be.

I woke up absolutely AMAZED at the quality of this dream: it was unlike any dream I have had before. This was more than a week ago, and ever since, I keep having dreams where I am taught abstract lessons regarding how the Universe works, though usually, I can’t clearly recall what I was taught after I wake up. 

I feel the dream suggests that in order to manifest with power and ease, we are wise to:

If you remember your dreams and love working with your dreams, I invite you to give this a try. Decide that you will get the answer to a question in your dreams, and see what happens!

My favorite teacher for dream work is Robert Moss. You can find his books here, at his Amazon page.