Some Affirmations to Inspire Your Own:

I welcome loving, supportive, and heartfelt friends and connections into my life.

I love the way I feel when I take good care of myself.

The Universe ADORES me. Everything works out for me in amazing and wonderful ways.

I trust I am being led to where I need to be. Everything is coming to me at the right time and place.

I am receiving abundance NOW in expected and unexpected ways.

Every day, my life is easier and more pleasurable.

I am so thankful for all the beautiful blessings and abundance in my life.

I magnetically attract the most wonderful clients by delivering big value with no attachment to the outcome. 

I love that I am free to do whatever I want to do.

I do everything lightly, with a sense of calm ease and flow.

Every day brings exciting surprises and wonderful people my way.

I look for MAGIC and I find it everywhere! Every day I experience bigger and more amazing magic!

I move through life calmly and gracefully. There is always plenty of time to do all I want and need to do.

I am free to live wherever I want to live. I am free to travel wherever I want to travel. I am totally FREE!

When I work with the Universe, everything gets done in amazingly quick, simple, easy and powerful ways.

I have only to make a wish to see it quickly come true in amazing ways.

The more I just relax and enjoy my life, the better things get.

Every day, I get phone calls, texts and emails from people who want to help me make my dreams come true.

My business is thriving. Every day I talk to wonderful new clients. Every day brings wonderful new developments.

My business grows at an exciting but comfortable pace.

I love to run, walk, and lift weights. Every time I work out, I have a great day, and I feel fantastic.

Every day, I am blessed with brilliant ideas that yield fantastic results. Everything I touch turns to gold.

My intuition is always strongly and clearly guiding me. I am constantly being led to be in the right place at the right time for amazing and wonderful things to happen.

I love cooking healthy food. I love finding healthy, delicious combinations that nourish my body while helping me to get leaner, stronger and healthier. 

I am grateful for my marriage. I am grateful for my family. I am grateful for my lifestyle and my freedom to do what I want to do and go where I want to go and live as I want to live. The best is NOW! I am happy, healthy and in love with life. 

I can easily make great money doing something I truly enjoy and believe in. My intuition is always guiding me to easy, fun abundance.

I love my homes. They are beautiful spaces, and I am happy and comfortable in them.

I attract the perfect people for every endeavor. I am surrounded by all sorts of wonderful friends and clients. I naturally attract people who are kind, creative, respectful of my time, generous, helpful and kind-hearted.