Are You Ready to Work Some Big Magic In Your Life With the Help of Some Supportive New Friends?

The Power of Group Intention

There is great power in connecting with others who are passionate about fulfilling their goals and dreams. Many At One groups are designed to tap into the exponential power of group intention. Groups meet regularly to mastermind solutions to problems, brainstorm breakthrough ideas, network key connections, practice group manifesting and align support for the fulfillment of each member’s needs and desires. In between physical meetings, group members remain available to support each other as needed, and over time, they become the truest of friends. What we wish for others, we wish for ourselves: by helping each other, each one of us is blessed in powerful, magical ways.

If you’d like to know more, I’d love to chat with you. Please click the link below to schedule a phone call with me.


Julia Brenner is a lifelong entrepreneur, licensed hypnotherapist, spiritual seeker and devoted student of our innate power to influence physical reality in order to create what we want in our lives. Now that she has manifested the life of her dreams, she is focusing her time and energy on helping others do the same.

She gives free inspirational talks desires to inspire and empower others to embrace radical creativity, and she teaches workshops on what has proven most powerful for her on her own magical journey to success, abundance, and extraordinary freedom.

One goal of those workshops is to connect people like YOU with others of like mind, so that you can support and empower each other in living beautiful, magical lives!